About this blog

Sport lends itself to statistics, opinions and a lot of money. Interestingly, these three rarely tally. I aim to shed a little light on the area of sports statistics to prove (or otherwise) the perceived wisdoms of sport.

This blog is for day-to-day observations. My other blog, www.minto.net (see links on the right) is where I put longer pieces of research.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Apparently Sven is the most successful England coach ever, according to the Sunday Times. I happily debunk this myth on my research blog, but it's worth bearing in mind for all those Manchester City fans who might get Mr Eriksson as their manager next season. This one has been as on and off as a relationship with, well, Sven. Apparently, he now will marry Nancy. Good luck to them both.

Sven is actually quite a good domestic manager, with quite a haul of trophies inlcuding the Serie A with Lazio. But is it worth hiring him given the inevitable publicity and saga? That's something even the best economist might find hard to measure...

Random Sven fact: Eriksson is so far the only manager who was won the Double (League and Cup in the same season), in three different countries: Sweden, Portugal and Italy. (Thanks Wikipedia)

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